“A master of conflict resolution, on several occasions Grant was able to provide the clarity and direction I needed to deal tactfully and factually with difficult situations.”

— Senior Vice President

Executive Coaching Conversations with Grant Ackerman

 “Anyone who keeps
learning stays young.”


Executive Coaching Conversations provide opportunities to get a different perspective on real-time challenges.  Ideas shared during these discussions draw on organizational best practices and proven academic frameworks.  Often the result is a better understanding of how an immediate issue can be viewed and addressed in a broader context.

These conversations take place via teleconference at intervals selected by the executive – once a week, once every two weeks or once a month.  In-person meetings are used only as needed or appropriate.  Follow-up materials and additional individualized learning sessions also can be provided for those who want to take a deeper dive into any given topic.

Executive Coaching Conversations are designed to meet the specific needs of the participant.  Topics of discussion are selected by the executive, often driven at least initially by current events or challenges in his or her organization.  Issues addressed can run the spectrum from a focus on the individual’s continued professional development to organization-wide issues like strategies for leading change.  

Topics listed in the Executive Education Sessions section that follows offer additional examples of ideas and frameworks that might be explored during an Executive Coaching Conversation engagement.  

Often, what an executive appreciates the most is the opportunity to exchange ideas with someone they trust and who doesn’t have a vested interest in the outcome — other than the executive’s success.

The following are examples of some of the issues addressed in recent Executive Coaching Conversations:

Working with a CEO to think through how to address a conflict with his board of directors that was compromising his ability to lead the organization effectively.

Encouraging an HR Director to play a more strategic role in the growth of the company by considering how the current workforce could both shape and respond to strategic decisions.

Exploring with a CEO a messaging strategy for a nationwide initiative that addressed a controversial but critically important issue.

Providing the founder of a start-up with frameworks to develop the organization’s policies and procedures to support continued growth.

Helping a newly promoted senior executive address challenges they weren’t expecting in their new position.