About Grant Ackerman, Educator


Grant Ackerman has over three decades of experience in the area of professional education including faculty directing, teaching and designing curriculum for executive education programs.  As a member of the Executive Education faculty at Columbia Business School his responsibilities included designing, faculty directing and teaching in two of the Business School’s flagship, comprehensive management programs, the Executive Development Program and Columbia Essentials of Management.  

His research and teaching focuses on Executive Leadership, Performance Management, Leading Diverse Organizations, Cross-Cultural Negotiations and Dispute Resolution, Organizational Justice, Managing Conflict and Consensus Within and Between Firms, and Lessons for Leadership from the Creative and Performing Arts.

For years, he also has worked privately with individual executives who were looking for new insights about how they could continue to lead more effectively.

He has extensive experience in organizational development and has provided educational sessions, consulting services or conflict interventions for such companies as Avon, Banker's Trust, Coca-Cola, Deloitte, FDNY (Fire Department of New York City), Ford Motors, GE Credit Corporation, Lend Lease Americas, Sampoerna (Indonesia), Time Warner, UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations, Virgin Mobile and World Vision, USA.  

Previous academic positions include serving as Visiting Associate Professor of Law at the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution at Pepperdine University School of Law where he is credited with creating one of the first Cross-Cultural Dispute Resolution law school courses in the country. He also served as a member of the faculty of the Graduate School of Business at Rutgers University.  Other responsibilities at Columbia Business School included serving as the Associate Dean of Executive Education and its Academic Director.  Early in his career, he served as the Director of the Institute for International Trade with Educational Services Exchange with China, Inc.  

His papers and publications include “Culture’s Influence on Preferences for and Reactions to Elements of Procedural Justice,” 2000 Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, “When Do Elements of Procedural Fairness Make a Difference: A Classification of Moderating Influences,” with Brockner and Fairchild, Advances in Organizational Justice (1999), “Further Evidence of Culture’s Influence On Employee Reaction to Participation In Decision Making:  The Effects of Uncertainty Avoidance and Power Distance,” 1997 Academy of Management, and CISG Annotated: Legislative History and Annotations to the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (New York: Warren, Gorham & Lamont, 1992).

He received his B.A. in Foreign Service and International Relations with a Certificate in Russian Area Studies from The Pennsylvania State University, a J.D. from The University of Pittsburgh and his M.B.A. and Ph.D. from Columbia University. 

Throughout his career Grant Ackerman has worked with a wide array of seasoned, successful faculty and professionals who also have the capacity to help others understand and use frameworks and best practices to achieve individual and organizational success. Depending on specific needs, program offerings can include faculty and coaches from a variety of backgrounds and experiences to best serve the educational and development goals of the participants.

To contact Grant Ackerman directly, email grant@grantackerman.com.